
Comprehensive Full Stack Development Tutorial: Learn Ionic, Angular, React, React Native, and Node.js with JavaScript

Angular Date pipe and how to formate dates in Angular

Angular date pipe is an Angular built-in pipe and it is used to format date value to a string of the desired format in the component template. The date can be a Date object or a number of milliseconds and we can specify the date of different formats like ‘dd/MM/yyyy’, ‘MM-yy’, or one of the […]

Understanding Angular output decorator or Angular Eventemitter .?

We can use the Angular output decorator in combination with the EventEmitter type to create custom events. In Angular, there is a different way of sharing data between components, and the @Outpu() decorator allows the child component to send data to its parent component. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use Angular output decorator […]

Calculate Base64 Image Size in Ionic and Angular project

In these articles, we will calculate an exact length Base64 photo from the Ionic native Camera|Gallery in Kilobytes. Base64 encodes three bytes to four characters. Sometimes, padding is added in the form of one or two ‘=’ characters. Calculate Base64 Image Size in ionic, let first create an ionic project, and install the required plugin. […]

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