
Comprehensive Full Stack Development Tutorial: Learn Ionic, Angular, React, React Native, and Node.js with JavaScript

Year: 2021

Best Angular carousel libraries

In web applications, Angular carousel and Angular image slider are interchangeable. Both are the same in most cases, we used the most popular third parties libraries to create both. Angular carousel is a slideshow for cycling through a series of content, content can be image or text, or any other. An angular slider or carousel […]

Angular Material input components and directives

To use Angular material inputs, we have to understand different Angular material directives and components that are used with Angular form. Angular has a matInput directive that is supported by some of HTML native input but not all native HTML inputs. We used the input field to collect data from users. We have three objectives […]

Angular Textarea : Material design and Bootstrap

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use Angular Textarea input, Angular doesn’t have textarea component. To use Angular material textarea, we can use matInput directive, this directive allows native <input> and <textarea> elements to work with <mat-form-field>. Input text type allows us to have only one line of text. If we need a multi-line […]

Angular animation module with an example

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use the Angular animation module, and how we can apply animation to HTML elements or components without using any javascript, flash, or any other third-party library. Angular Animation provides the illusion of motion on HTML elements by changing multiple style transformations over time. We can change element styles […]

Different libraries of adding Angular icons ?

In this article, we’ll explore different available libraries for adding Angular icons to our project. We have seen icons are extensively used in many applications. We can easily add an icon to our Angular project. To use icons in Angular we have to dependent other libraries, as Angular core doesn’t provide icons. In this tutorial, […]

How to implement angular flex layout?

Angular Flex Layout provides a sophisticated layout API using Flexbox CSS + mediaQuery. The use of flexbox ensures that elements behave predictably when the page layout must accommodate different screen sizes and different display devices. Flex layouts are single-dimensional layouts (row or column), whereas Angular gird and table are 2 dimensional containing both row and […]

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