
Comprehensive Full Stack Development Tutorial: Learn Ionic, Angular, React, React Native, and Node.js with JavaScript

Mastering Threejs Camera: Types, Controls, and Real-World Examples

In Three.js, cameras define how we view the 3D scene. They’re like the eyes (or lens) through which we observe the virtual world. Explanation of how cameras are essential for rendering scenes in Three.js. The camera’s position and orientation affect the rendered scene. Much like how a real-world camera lets you see the world from […]

Understanding Object3D in Three.js: The Role of Lights, Cameras, and 3D Objects

When diving into the realm of Three.js, you’ll quickly encounter the concept of 3D objects. But what exactly are they, and how do they function within this powerful JavaScript library? Let’s unravel this mystery together. The Foundation: threejs Object3D base class At the heart of Three.js lies a fundamental class called Object3D. Think of it […]

Comprehensive Guide: Integrating Stripe Payment Gateway in Next.js

As e-commerce continues to boom, integrating reliable payment systems into web applications has become crucial. Stripe, known for its developer-friendly approach, pairs exceptionally well with Next.js, a powerful React framework. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of integrating Stripe into a Next.js application, sharing insights and best practices along the way. In this […]

Comprehensive Guide to Integrating Threejs in Nextjs

Integrating Three.js with Reactjs or Next.js can be a powerful way to create dynamic 3D web applications. We will learn what are basic concept that need to grasp before integrating it with any frontend framwork of your choice. This is part one of our threejs on Nextjs. 1. Core Components of Three.js Here are most […]

Comprehensive Guide: Using Recharts in Next.js with TypeScript

I am facing an issue with adding Recharts in a Next.js server component because Recharts runs only on the client side. If you are using Shadcn, you should check the Shadcn chart component, which uses Recharts underneath. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add Recharts in a Next.js client component. Recharts runs only […]

Comprehensive Guide: NextAuth with Separate User and UserProfile Collections

When implementing authentication in a Next.J’s application using NextAuth, it’s common to have separate collections for User and UserProfile data. This separation enables user management to be more flexible, but it can also create complications, particularly when dealing with third-party authentication providers like Google. 1. The Setup: Separate Collections We have, two main collections, related […]

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