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Nextjs 2024 Tutorial

This is personnel notes for nextjs tutorial

A Comprehensive Guide togenerateStaticParams()

The generateStaticParams() is used in Next.js and to implement it to statically generate pages with dynamic paths.

Understanding Routing in Next.js

Next.js offers powerful and flexible routing capabilities, enabling developers to create dynamic and customizable routes with ease.

  1. App router
  2. Understanding Dynamic Routes
  3. Catch-All Routes

Data Fetching and Caching

Next.js can cache the results of function calls, data fetched from servers, and entire routes. This caching can be automatic or configured. Caching can be time-based or on-demand.

In essence, caching is a technique to store frequently accessed data in a temporary location so that it can be retrieved faster on subsequent requests. This can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be fetched from the server, which can improve the performance of your application

Here’s a breakdown of the caching behavior for each data fetching method:

  1. Various mechanisms for caching data
  2. how caching works with each method

Prefetching is a powerful technique used in web development to improve the performance and user experience of web applications. In Next.js, prefetching is primarily implemented through the <Link> component, which is used for client-side navigation. 

  1. What is prefetching in Next.js
  2. How Prefetching Works in Next.js

Server action and mutations

Server actions in Next.js are asynchronous functions that are executed on the server, typically used for form submissions

  1. Creating Server Actions
  2. Understanding Mutations and implementing mutations

Next.js generateMetadata: A Comprehensive Guide

Next.js, a powerful React framework for building web applications, offers various features to enhance SEO and optimize the user experience. One such feature is the generateMetadata function, which is used to dynamically generate metadata for your web pages.

Nextjs 2024 Tutorial

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