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D3 Bar Chart

When we are making a bar chart, we need scaleBand() function to create a band for each domain in a bar chart. In the above bar chart picture, we had use scaleBand() on the x-axis to create separate rectangle or band for each salesman.  Here we have used discrete domain value as salesman name as domain input and we used the […]

D3 js Core

The D3 Stands for Data-Driven Documents and is a javaScript library.The D3js version 4 is modular based and released in June 2016. The version 3 and 4 are not compatible. We can’t create d3 graphic without the SVG element. The SVG scalable vector graphic, HTML 5 directly allow us to add SVG into the web page. D3js […]

D3 important function

In D3 scale play important role in visualization for encoding, map abstract data to visual representation Some of the important D3 function d3.scaleThreshold() d3.scaleOrdinal() scaleThreshold maps continuous numeric input to discrete values defined by the range. n-1 domain split points are specified where n is the number of range values. In the following example we split the domain at,0 50 and 100 u < […]

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