
Comprehensive Full Stack Development Tutorial: Learn Ionic, Angular, React, React Native, and Node.js with JavaScript

Month: July 2020

Angular Pipes and built-in pipe in angular

Angular Pipes are features built into angular 2 which basically allows you to transform output in your template. Pipes are functions that we can use in template expression to format input data before it’s rendered. Angular has lots of its own built-in pipes and we can use pipes for synchronous and asynchronous data. In this […]

Angular Date pipe and how to formate dates in Angular

Angular date pipe is an Angular built-in pipe and it is used to format date value to a string of the desired format in the component template. The date can be a Date object or a number of milliseconds and we can specify the date of different formats like ‘dd/MM/yyyy’, ‘MM-yy’, or one of the […]

How to add and set ionic autofocus input

In ionic 5 autofocus of an HTML5 attribute that doesn’t work consistently across different platforms. In this quick post, I will walk you through how to add and set ionic autofocus input in an Ionic 5 Angular application. When working with the Angular component, we often use the @ViewChild decorator and template reference to get […]

Understanding Angular output decorator or Angular Eventemitter .?

We can use the Angular output decorator in combination with the EventEmitter type to create custom events. In Angular, there is a different way of sharing data between components, and the @Outpu() decorator allows the child component to send data to its parent component. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use Angular output decorator […]

Calculate Base64 Image Size in Ionic and Angular project

In these articles, we will calculate an exact length Base64 photo from the Ionic native Camera|Gallery in Kilobytes. Base64 encodes three bytes to four characters. Sometimes, padding is added in the form of one or two ‘=’ characters. Calculate Base64 Image Size in ionic, let first create an ionic project, and install the required plugin. […]

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