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Month: June 2017

D3 js Core

The D3 Stands for Data-Driven Documents and is a javaScript library.The D3js version 4 is modular based and released in June 2016. The version 3 and 4 are not compatible. We can’t create d3 graphic without the SVG element. The SVG scalable vector graphic, HTML 5 directly allow us to add SVG into the web page. D3js […]

Node Basic

Node has a number of built-in modules, ranging from filesystem access in a module called fs to utility functions in a built-in module called util. A common task when building web applications with Node is parsing the URL.When a browser sends a request to your server, it will ask for a specific URL, such as the home […]

Ejs – Express apps to retrieve speaker information from the data file

E is for effective or embeddable. EJS is a simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript. We are creating web apps to retrieve speaker and all speaker information from the data .JSON in the data folder and photo from public/images. To use the Ejs we have to install the Ejs through […]

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