
Comprehensive Full Stack Development Tutorial: Learn Ionic, Angular, React, React Native, and Node.js with JavaScript

How to use angular ngIf directive and ngIf else directive .?

With the angular, we can control the display of blocks of elements with the help of the Angular ngIf directive. Angular has a lot of built-in directives: ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch, ngClass , and ngStyle .The first three directives are called structural directives, which are used to transform the DOM’s structure by adding or removing elements […]

How to add ionic loading with an example

In most cases when we are developing web or apps, we need to show loading to indicate progress or something is happening. Especially when we are retrieving data or POST data to a server. Ionic loading will block the user from interacting with applications and increase the probability that the user will wait and use […]

How to add Ionic video background

An Ionic is a front-end framework for developing cross-platform apps with web technologies like Angular, Vue, and React. We can easily add an ionic video background to our apps. With the release of Ionic 4 we can also create PWA applications and video backgrounds are mostly used in mobile applications. In these articles, we will […]

How to implement Ionic autocomplete

In this article, we’ll how to implement ionic autocomplete using the ng-select plugin. The ng-select plugin is typeahead and improves user experience by supplying all possible lists of choices based on text user type in the input field. The ng-select is a flexible autocomplete/typeahead/suggestion component that can use in angular and ionic applications. The ng-select […]

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