
Comprehensive Full Stack Development Tutorial: Learn Ionic, Angular, React, React Native, and Node.js with JavaScript


How to implement Ionic Barcode Scanner using cordova

In these articles, we will learn how to use an Ionic Barcode Scanner. We will use a plugin called Cordova-plugin-barcode scanner to a barcode and this opens a camera view and automatically scans a barcode, returning the data back to you. Setting up and configure Ionic Barcode scanner Let first create a project to implement […]

How to implement Ionic routing in Ionic Angular

With the release of Ionic 5, we can create an Ionic application from different front-end frameworks. To implement Ionic routing and navigation, we are using Ionic angular routing methods. Ionic Angular application is (SPA) a single-page application, when we navigate between components/page we are not reloading the page, only changing the parts of content using […]

How to implement ionic firebase authentication

We can easily integrate Firebase authentication in ionic. Ionic firebase authentication we can use third-party auth providers like Google, Twitter, Facebook, and more. These third-party service providers are the industry standards for token-based authentication and authorization for web, desktop, and mobile applications. These third-party service providers act as an intermediary on the behalf of the […]

How to implement Ionic facebook login and Ionic firebase Facebook authentication

In ionic we can use Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other third-party service provider are the industry standards for token-based authentication and authorization for the web, desktop, and mobile application. We can easily implement ionic Facebook login using different methods. These third-party service providers act as an intermediary on the behalf of the end-user allowing them […]

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